Thnx Dana!!!!
okej detta inlägg kmr va på engelska eftersom min kusin ville med veta vad jag tyckte!
So when I was in ROmania this year I meet my cousin Dana, who I havn't meet in like...what? 7 years?
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 years sence I saw that gilr?!!! (okay, okay I can't call her girl, she's twenty three.)
Well, the first time in seven years and 'course i hanged whit her, Alout. Alright not as much as I wanted to, but still :)
So we talked alout.
Don't knnow how, but we started talking Miley Cyrus book and minerals make up wich i said I really wanted. So for a b-day present, (late one) and now today, after school i came home and it was there on my desk!!
I still can't belive that she sended me that!
I mean, OMG!! I've wish this for! i can't belive it!
I read 20 pages while mom did some schoolpaperwork. And that was like five minutes :)
And the mascara?!! Fild with minerals witch is good, and I can't imagin how much it had to cost! Mineral make up is realy expensive.
haha litel dramatic, but really. I love it!
I can't thank her enough
thnx, thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx,thnx!