klar med att skriva av ant. här e dem XD
Romerska armén
1. Bondearmén (750 – ca 20 år f.kr)
a) Soldaterna
I. 17 – 46 år gammal
II. Medborgare o Bundsförvanten
III. Köper sina egen utrustning
b) Långa krig
c) Inga skördar/inkomster
d) Bönderna säljer sin mark à arbetslös
e) Flyttar till Rom på jakt efter jobb
I. Överbefolkning
II. Fattigdom
III. Kriminalitet
IV. Rom saknar armé
2. Yrkesarmé skapas av Gaius Marius (ca 120 f.kr)
a) Soldaterna
I. 17 – 46 år
II. Stadens fattigaste medborgare
IV. Helst ogift
V. Kontrakt på 6 krig/ 25 år
b) Får av generaler o staten
I. Lön
II. God mat (bästa maten i Rom)
III. Bra sjukvård (bästa i Rom. Genomsnitts åldern i Rom var på den tiden 30 år, på soldater som va med i armén var de 60 år. )
IV. Gratis utrustning
V. Får jord i provinserna vid pension
VI. Soldaterna = lojala mot generalerna (vet at det e de som ger dem allt) inte staten (vet att dem inte ger dem ett skit)
Me and My english!
Me and my English
This is my story about me and one of my best friends, English!
I think that I’m a good English student. I always try my hardest and do my best. You can’t ask more from someone than that. I even take chances – sometimes I do it completely wrong, and sometimes I actually get it right -.
My English is developing fast – not that I’m complaining – and the reasons of that is that I just LOVE music. I can’t leave without it. My motto is “No Music. No Life!” I’m obsessed with it. I really am. But music has really helped me through life. If I ever fell down, I’m listening to it. If I’m happy, I’m listening to it. Every day, different reason. I’m a big NCIS and PLL fan –tv show- and I look at it online, without subtitle. Sometimes I don’t understand everything, like in NCIC. But that’s why I also look at it. Not just because I love it – that’s the biggest reason though – but also because I want to learn and develop my English. I also read fanfictons a lot. I just love to read them, and a bonus, they’re in English! :) So the output of all this is that I learn how to speak, how to write – even that I suck at it-. To be honest I think more in English than in Swedish sometimes. I’m thinking at something and can’t think of the word on Swedish so sometimes I can go a whole day just thinking of that word.
Sense I was small, like four years old, I’ve been hearing English. My mother loved Glamour – I hated it, still do – and watched it. I was laying in the sofa and thinking that one of them was cute. But mostly I waited for mom to turn over to cartoons. But that’s like the first time I heard English. I remember asking my mother what languages they talked on because I didn’t recognized it. Haha the answer was of course English.
Sense we started with English at school, I’ve been in love with it. Like really, in love. I wanted to learn more, wanted more English lessons, everything! I think that knowing languages is really important, especially when you love to talk. Which I do. I can speak Swedish, English and Romanian fluently, I can speak a bit of German and understand it, and sense Romanian is related to Latin, I also understand a bit of other relative Latin languages.
I don’t know why but I remember ALL of my teachers from kindergarten. But my favorites teachers didn’t I meet until ninth grade…
I had Åse in German, damn good teacher! My other German teacher didn’t taught us anything in two years, Åse taught us that in half a year. She’s in cool, love her style and she’s just chill.
Chrsitin was our teacher in physics teacher. She’s like Åse, so I won’t write everything again! J
And at last, the best teacher ever! I had Maria in Swedish (English in 6-7 grade). She has taught me everything I know about writing. But the most important thing. She taught me to believe in my dream, in myself and to believe that I actually was a good writer and that I had talent. She taught me not to be to critical on myself. And that’s one of the beautifulest thing someone ever done for me, because I really love writing!
This was all from me!
Love Oana Scanteie!